Pavonia Road Fiber Project
NCWCOM is excited to announce a fiber project that consists of a small build on Pavonia Road that will span 1.5 miles and provide fiber optic service to 22 residences. The project is expected to reach completion by winter 2024. For any additional questions or concerns, please contact us by phone at (440) 647-5626

Huron County Broadband Expansion Project
North Coast Wireless Communications LLC is excited to have been awarded the Huron County Broadband Expansion Project. The project is designed to improve broadband internet access for education, job creation, health care, and more in targeted locations in Huron County. The objective and ultimate goal of the project is to make available high-speed internet access at speeds no less than 100Mbps down and 100Mbps up in the targeted location in Huron County.

Wellington Ohio Fiber Project
Wellington is where our roots were planted which made it an easy decision to begin building our fiber network in Wellington. In 2018 we began developing our fiber optics coverage throughout Wellington. We are currently offering fiber for a large portion of Wellington and are growing our service areas more every day.

HB2 Ohio Residential Fiber Project (Huron County)
In the fall of 2022 North Coast Wireless Communications LLC (aka NCWCOM) was awarded a House Bill 2 Residential Broadband Expansion Grant. The grant was created to help internet service providers build the networks to serve Ohioans who currently cannot participate in the modern economy because of a lack of high-speed internet. Basically, it is to provide internet accessibility in areas that are unserved or underserved.